birch power classic


Traditionally, sweetness is added to birch water. That’s why we add a small amount of natural sweetness from the agave plant to give our Classic birch water a perfectly balanced taste.

$19 for a 6-pack

birch power pure


Our birch water can be enjoyed in its purest form, with nothing added. Simply refreshing and rejuvenating, perfect for rehydrating your body after a workout. Ideal for a PALEO DIET

$19 for a 6-pack

birch power matcha

Matcha Superfood

For centuries, shade-grown matcha has been used by Chinese Taoist and Japanese Zen Buddhist monks for meditation. Matcha Superfood from Japan is added to the birch sap to achieve this superlative combination that tastes great.

$19 for a 6-pack

birch power aronia

Aronia Superfruit

Also known as Chokeberry, Aronia is native to North America and is considered by many to be the most valuable superfruit available. Adding Aronia Superfruit to the birch sap makes it even more powerful – a unique and delicious combination.

$19 for a 6-pack

Absolutely Wild

Tisa Hatch,
Smart Sales & Marketing, LLC

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel: 732-814-2425

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